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KERB’s Thursday Tastings

You may not know this, but every Thursday here at KERB we host casual wine tastings, chilled out events where you can try some different wines and learn a little more about them in the process.

What’s the vibe?

Each Thursday we have a line-up of selected wines, chosen by us! They can be organised by wine producer, location, type of grape and so on. We welcome anyone to our casual tastings, we don’t want it to be intimidating or require a certain level of knowledge to be able to enjoy.

At KERB, we love natural wine, so this is just another way of us sharing our passion with our lovely customers.

How do I get in?

Just walk on in! Our casual tastings are free, non-ticketed events. Although, you do have to pay for the wine, sorry about that.
We want to see more faces at our tastings, so will be advertising the wines on offer a few days before going forward. If you are interested in trying some new wines and learning about them in the process, come down to KERB on a Thursday evening!

Here at KERB we run as a bar but also do online wine deliveries. We have a great selection of red, white, orange, sparkling and rose wines, all natural of course. To see our upcoming events and tastings, stick to our events page and Instagram for all announcements.


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